Sentinel 1 post-processing example

This example shows how to plot the ground track of a satellite, in our case using Sentinel 1 trajectory. It also showcases how to detect when the satellite subsurface point is over a specific region.

First we import numpy and the plotting module.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Then we import GODOT modules and create a universe from configuration.

In [2]:
from godot.core import num, tempo, astro
from godot import cosmos

# optionally avoid verbose logging messages
import godot.core.util as util

# create the universe
uni_config = cosmos.util.load_yaml('universe.yml')
uni = cosmos.Universe(uni_config)

We can inspect the loaded trajectory for Sentinel 1, range of the data and create grid.

In [3]:
sent1 = uni.frames.pointId("Sentinel_1")
blocks = uni.frames.blocks(sent1, True)
start = blocks[0].range.start()
end = start + 1 * tempo.SecondsInDay
ran = tempo.EpochRange(start, end)
2021-03-26T21:01:09.185641 TDB
2021-03-27T21:01:09.185641 TDB

We define a function that computes the subsatellite point for a specific epoch

In [4]:
def subsat_point(epoch):
    pos = uni.frames.vector3("Earth", "Sentinel_1", "ITRF", epoch)
    pol = astro.sphericalFromCart(pos) # [radius, longitude, latitude]
    return pol[1:] # [longitude, latitude]

Then we can generate these in polar coordinates for our grid, for every 15 seconds.

In [5]:
grid = ran.createGrid(15.0)
points = np.asarray([subsat_point(e) for e in grid])

Finally, we can plot the results.

In [6]:
img = plt.imread("Earth.png")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

plt.title('Sentinel 1 ground track')
plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)')
plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)')

plt.imshow(img, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90], alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(num.Rad * points[:, 0], num.Rad * points[:, 1], '.', markersize=2)

darm = np.asarray([8.6512, 49.8728]) # Darmstadt
plt.plot([darm[0]], [darm[1]], 'o', label="Darmstadt")

plt.xlim([-180, 180])
plt.ylim([-90, 90])
plt.xticks(np.linspace(-180, 180, 13))
plt.yticks(np.linspace(-90, 90, 7))

We create a time evaluable that computes the geographical distance (not suitable for locations near the poles).

In [7]:
from godot.model import common

class DistanceFromLocation(common.ScalarTimeEvaluable):
    def __init__(self, coords):
        self.__coords = coords

    def eval(self, epoch):
        pt = subsat_point(epoch)
        delta = pt - self.__coords
        dist = np.linalg.norm(delta)
        return dist
In [8]:
from godot.model import eventgen

target = np.asarray([8.6512 / num.Rad, 49.8728 / num.Rad]) # Darmstadt
model = DistanceFromLocation(target)
max_dist = 5 / num.Rad
func = model - max_dist
eps = 1e-6
tol = 1e-6

generator = eventgen.EventGenerator(-func, eps, tol) # pass negative of the function, we want < 5 deg
In [9]:
event_grid = ran.contract(eps).createGrid(600.0)
visib = generator.computeEventIntervals(event_grid)
2021-03-27T06:07:02.993030 TDB  -1.670344418e-11 +++ {} - 2021-03-27T06:09:37.884387 TDB  -3.204403409e-11 +++ {}

In [10]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

plt.title('Sentinel 1 ground track and visibility')
plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)')
plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)')

plt.imshow(img, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90], alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(num.Rad * points[:, 0], num.Rad * points[:, 1], '.', markersize=2)
plt.plot([darm[0]], [darm[1]], 'o', label="Darmstadt")

for i, entry in enumerate(visib):
    ran_visib = tempo.EpochRange(entry.start().value(), entry.end().value())
    grid_visib = ran_visib.createGrid(15.0)
    points_visib = np.asarray([subsat_point(e) for e in grid_visib])
    plt.plot(num.Rad * points_visib[:, 0], num.Rad * points_visib[:, 1], '-', linewidth=5, label="Overflight " + str(i + 1))

#plt.xlim([num.Rad * target[0] - 5, num.Rad * target[0] + 5])
#plt.ylim([num.Rad * target[1] - 5, num.Rad * target[1] + 5])
plt.xlim([-180, 180])
plt.ylim([-90, 90])
plt.xticks(np.linspace(-180, 180, 13))
plt.yticks(np.linspace(-90, 90, 7))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f9cbd20fc18>