In [1]:
from godot import cosmos

# optionally avoid verbose logging messages
import godot.core.util as util

# create the universe
uniConfig = cosmos.util.load_yaml('universe.yml')
uni = cosmos.Universe(uniConfig)

Generate and Check the Reference Trajectory

Now we will load a reference Trajectory file and a spacecraft trajectory file

GODOT cannot currently store the reference trajectory in an IPF, this should be added

In [2]:
# create the trajectory
traConfig = cosmos.util.load_yaml('trajectory_ref.yml')
refTra = cosmos.Trajectory(uni, traConfig)
In [3]:

When we generate the reference trajectory we normally use the following function to close the orbit. Here we use it to check that the longitude of the ascending nodes is the same at the first and 176th node crossing:

In [4]:
from godot.model import common
import godot.core.tempo as tempo
import godot.core.astro as astro

class LonCon(common.ScalarTimeEvaluable):
    def __init__(self, uni, tra):
        self.__uni = uni
        self.__tra = tra
    def eval(self, epoch):
        t1 = self.__tra.point('refASC00001') if type(epoch) is tempo.Epoch else self.__tra.xpoint('refASC00001')
        x1 = self.__uni.frames.vector3('Earth', 'SCREF_center', 'ITRF', t1)
        lon1 = astro.sphericalFromCart(x1)[1]
        t2 = self.__tra.point('refASC00176') if type(epoch) is tempo.Epoch else self.__tra.xpoint('refASC00176')
        x2 = self.__uni.frames.vector3('Earth', 'SCREF_center', 'ITRF', t2)
        lon2 = astro.sphericalFromCart(x2)[1]
        return lon2 - lon1
err = LonCon(uni,refTra)
print ( "The discrepancy in radians is: ", err.eval(tempo.Epoch()))
The discrepancy in radians is:  -1.7143865051361118e-05

The discrepancy is close enough.

Controlling The Spacecraft Trajectory

Next we can load the spacecraft trajectory

In [5]:
# create the trajectory
traConfig = cosmos.util.load_yaml('trajectory.yml')
tra = cosmos.Trajectory(uni, traConfig)

Now we load all the other modules we need for this computation

In [6]:
import godot.core.autodif as ad
import godot.core.autodif.bridge as br
from godot.model import common, eventgen
import godot.core.tempo as tempo
import godot.core.astro as astro
import as events

The first thing to be done, is to create a ScalarTimeEvaluable to compute the ground track deviation: this is taken from the Napeos problem formulation

In [7]:
class GroundTrackDeviation ( common.ScalarTimeEvaluable ):
    def __init__(self, spacecraft:str , reference:str ):
        self.__spacecraft = spacecraft
        self.__reference = reference
        self.__radiusEarth = uni.constants.getRadius('Earth')
        self.__flatteningEarth = uni.constants.getFlattening('Earth')

    def __subsatellitePoint(self, e, uni, point):
        """The subsatellite point in ICRF
        inertialPos = uni.frames.vector3('Earth', point, 'ITRF', e)
        geodeticPos = astro.geodeticFromCartesian(inertialPos, self.__radiusEarth, self.__flatteningEarth)
        # FEEDBACK. Now to obtain the sub satellite point we make height = 0.0.
        # What happens with the partials when we do this?
        geodeticPos[2] = 0.0
        res = astro.cartesianFromGeodetic(geodeticPos, self.__radiusEarth, self.__flatteningEarth)
        return res

    def eval(self, e ):
        referenceInertialState = uni.frames.vector6('Earth', self.__reference, 'ITRF', e)
        referenceInertialPos = referenceInertialState[0:3]
        referenceInertialVel = referenceInertialState[3:6]
        referenceSubsat = self.__subsatellitePoint(e, uni, self.__reference)

        vert = referenceInertialPos/br.norm(referenceInertialPos)
        norm = referenceInertialVel -, vert)
        norm = norm/br.norm(norm)
        orto = br.cross(norm, vert)

        def funcNorm(t):
            pos = uni.frames.vector3('Earth', self.__spacecraft, 'ITRF', t) 
            return, pos - referenceSubsat)
        grid = [e.value()-100.0,e.value(),e.value()+100]                                               
        if (br.isAutodifType(e)):
            es = events.generateXEventSet(funcNorm, 1e-6, grid, 1e-9)
            es = events.generateEventSet(funcNorm, 1e-6, grid, 1e-9) 

        subsat = self.__subsatellitePoint(es[0].value(), uni, self.__spacecraft)

        return, subsat - referenceSubsat)

We add an instance of this class to the universe time evaluables:

In [8]:
if uni.evaluables.contains( "groundTrackDeviation" ):
    uni.evaluables.remove( "groundTrackDeviation" )
uni.evaluables.add( "groundTrackDeviation", GroundTrackDeviation("SCORB_center", "SCREF_center") )

We want to evaluate the current state of the orbit, so we first compute the trajectory (without partials)

In [9]:

Now we can plot the ground track deviation

In [10]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [25, 10]
def plot_vs_time( name, label ):
    plt.xlabel('Time [MJD]')
    func = uni.evaluables.get(name)
    span = tempo.EpochRange(refTra.range().start() + 101.0,refTra.range().end() - 101.0 )
    x = [ e.mjd() for e in span.createGrid(360.0) ]
    y = [ func.eval( e ) for e in span.createGrid(360.0) ]
plot_vs_time("groundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )

This is no good for ground track orbit control because it varies strongly within a single orbit. We will sample the function at the ascending nodes and compute a polynomial fit. We will use the following class to convert a Time Evaluable to a Lagrange Polynomial Time Evaluable.

this functionality is being added to godot so the smoothing can be done in c++

We compute the ascending nodes times in a list:

In [11]:
def nodecrossingpoints(span):
    # Function with zeros at node crossings
    def z(e):
        return uni.frames.vector3('Earth', "SCORB_center", 'ITRF', e)[2]
    # compute the event interval set
    eis = events.generateEventIntervalSet(z, 1e-6, span.createGrid(3600.0), 1e-9 )

    # Generate the list of points for the interpolation
    ascNode = [ ei.start().value() for ei in eis ]
    return ascNode

span = tempo.EpochRange(tra.point('mano1_end') + 300, refTra.range().end() - 101.0 )
ascNode = nodecrossingpoints(span)
points = ascNode[15::30]
[2012-12-04T01:40:55.550816 TT,
 2012-12-06T03:03:12.841566 TT,
 2012-12-08T04:25:30.039833 TT,
 2012-12-10T05:47:47.146199 TT,
 2012-12-12T07:10:04.129007 TT]

Now we use the points to compute a smoothed version of the ground track deviation, and its derivative

In [12]:
# import local lagrange
import lagrange
smoothFunc = lagrange.LagrangePolynomialScalarEvaluable( points, uni.evaluables.get("groundTrackDeviation").eval ) 
if uni.evaluables.contains( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation" ):
    uni.evaluables.remove( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation" )
uni.evaluables.add( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation", smoothFunc )

derivSmoothFunc = smoothFunc.deriv()
if uni.evaluables.contains( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot" ):
    uni.evaluables.remove( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot" )
uni.evaluables.add( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot", derivSmoothFunc )

Now we plot to show the smoothed function we will use:

In [13]:
plot_vs_time("groundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
plot_vs_time("smoothGroundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
xp = [ e.mjd() for e in points ]
yp = [ smoothFunc.eval( e ) for e in points ]
xn = [ e.mjd() for e in ascNode ]
yn = [ uni.evaluables.get("groundTrackDeviation").eval( e ) for e in ascNode ]

We will construct some constraint TimeEvaluable using this smoothed curve. In order to initialise the orbit control process we will introduce a constraint which fixes a point of this curve at a certain value.

Now, we want to optimise a manoeuvre delta v to meet this constraint. So we specify the parameter to track and check it is freed. We will also track the drag scale factor, Cd for analysis purposes.

In [14]:
Parameter name          Type        Physical value Scale          Scaled value   Lower bound    Upper bound    
mano1_end_dv            Free        2e-06          0.01           0.0002         1e-06          1.79769e+308   
drag_cd                 Free        3.5            1              3.5            -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
srp_cr                  Fixed       1.2            1              1.2            -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_dt             Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_smaFixed       7080.02        1e+06          0.00708002     -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_exFixed       -1.97129e-05   0.1            -0.000197129   -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_eyFixed       0.00142947     0.1            0.0142947      -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_incFixed       1.71307        0.1            17.1307        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_ranFixed       5.9129         0.1            59.129         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_aolFixed       3.05111        0.1            30.5111        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_mass     Fixed       2000           100            20             -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_dv       Fixed       0              0.01           0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refASC00001_aol         Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refASC00176_daol        Fixed       1099.56        0.1            10995.6        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refend_dt               Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_dt                Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_sma  Fixed       7080.02        1e+06          0.00708002     -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ex   Fixed       -1.97129e-05   0.1            -0.000197129   -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ey   Fixed       0.00142947     0.1            0.0142947      -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_inc  Fixed       1.71307        0.1            17.1307        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ran  Fixed       5.9129         0.1            59.129         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_aol  Fixed       3.05111        0.1            30.5111        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_mass        Fixed       2000           100            20             -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_dv          Fixed       0              0.01           0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
ASC00001_aol            Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
manoSlot1_dt            Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_start_dt          Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_ras               Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_dec               Fixed       1.5708         0.1            15.708         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
end_dt                  Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   

Now, we have to re-propagate the trajectories with partial derivatives

In [15]:

Now we perform the orbit control.

We control a single parameter $p$ which is mano1_end_dv, the control manoeuvre delta-v.

If the constraint is $g_0$, $g_1$ before and after the update then

$$ g_1 = g_0 + \frac { \partial{g} } {\partial{p}} dp $$

Therefore the parameter update is:

$$ dp = \frac { g_1 - g_0 } { \frac { \partial{g} } {\partial{p}} } $$
In [16]:
def control_deltav(target:float, constraint:common.ScalarTimeEvaluable, xepoch: tempo.XEpoch ):
    # Evaluate the constraint at any point
    con = common.resolve( constraint.eval( xepoch) )

    # Extract the partial you want 
    dg_dp ="mano1_end_dv")

    # Get the initial value of the contraint 
    g0 = con.value()

    # Set the target value
    g1 = target

    # update the value of the parameter in the parameter book
    p = uni.parameters.get("mano1_end_dv").getPhysicalValue()
    uni.parameters.get("mano1_end_dv").setPhysicalValue( p + ( g1 - g0 ) / dg_dp )

We use the smoothGroundTrackDeviation as the constraint and set the target value of the constraint to be -30 m, so $g_1= -0.030$ at the end of the arc

there is a bug in the lagrange class, if we interpolate at the points nan is returned, so we so I seconds before.

In [17]:
control_deltav(+0.030, uni.evaluables.get("smoothGroundTrackDeviation"),tempo.XEpoch(points[-1]-1) )
# print out the book to check it is updated
Parameter name          Type        Physical value Scale          Scaled value   Lower bound    Upper bound    
mano1_end_dv            Free        3.74284e-06    0.01           0.000374284    1e-06          1.79769e+308   
drag_cd                 Free        3.5            1              3.5            -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
srp_cr                  Fixed       1.2            1              1.2            -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_dt             Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_smaFixed       7080.02        1e+06          0.00708002     -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_exFixed       -1.97129e-05   0.1            -0.000197129   -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_eyFixed       0.00142947     0.1            0.0142947      -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_incFixed       1.71307        0.1            17.1307        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_ranFixed       5.9129         0.1            59.129         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_center_aolFixed       3.05111        0.1            30.5111        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_mass     Fixed       2000           100            20             -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refstart_SCREF_dv       Fixed       0              0.01           0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refASC00001_aol         Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refASC00176_daol        Fixed       1099.56        0.1            10995.6        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
refend_dt               Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_dt                Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_sma  Fixed       7080.02        1e+06          0.00708002     -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ex   Fixed       -1.97129e-05   0.1            -0.000197129   -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ey   Fixed       0.00142947     0.1            0.0142947      -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_inc  Fixed       1.71307        0.1            17.1307        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_ran  Fixed       5.9129         0.1            59.129         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_center_aol  Fixed       3.05111        0.1            30.5111        -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_mass        Fixed       2000           100            20             -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
start_SCORB_dv          Fixed       0              0.01           0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
ASC00001_aol            Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
manoSlot1_dt            Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_start_dt          Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_ras               Fixed       0              0.1            0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
mano1_dec               Fixed       1.5708         0.1            15.708         -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   
end_dt                  Fixed       0              1e+06          0              -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308   

Now we need to update the trajectory

In [18]:

We check that the procedure was successful by plotting the ground track deviation. At the same time we will plot error bars related to a 10% Cd error.

In [19]:
plot_vs_time("groundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
plot_vs_time("smoothGroundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
xp = [ e.mjd() for e in points ]
yp = [ smoothFunc.eval( e ) for e in points ]
xn = [ e.mjd() for e in ascNode ]
# get errors from drag
Yn = [ uni.evaluables.get("groundTrackDeviation").eval( tempo.XEpoch( e ) ) for e in ascNode ]
yn = [ y.value() for y in Yn ]
ynErr = [ common.resolve(y).at("drag_cd")[0]* 0.1 for y in Yn ]
plt.errorbar(xn, yn, yerr=ynErr, elinewidth=3)

Now this is correct, the constraint was placed at the end of the cycle.

Next we define a constraint TimeEvaluable we can use to control the minimum of the smooth curve. This takes 2 functions and a time grid. Events are generated from the second function and the time grid and the first of these events is used to evaluate the first function. If no events are found the end point of the search grid is used to evaluate the first function. This is used to define a constraint to be the smoothed ground track deviation, evaluated at the minimum of this function.

this will be implemented in godot optimisation, users will be able to specify a constraint using any functions in the evaluables.

In [20]:
class ConstraintAtEvent(common.ScalarTimeEvaluable):
    def __init__(self, uni, func1, func2, grid):
        self.__uni = uni
        self.__func1 = func1
        self.__func2 = func2
        self.__grid = grid
    def eval(self, epoch):
        g = eventgen.EventGenerator(self.__func2, 1e-6,1e-6)
        if (br.isAutodifType(epoch)):
            es = g.computeXEvents(self.__grid)
            end = tempo.XEpoch(self.__grid[-1])
            es = g.computeEvents(self.__grid)
            end = self.__grid[-1]
        if len(es) == 0:
            e = end
            func1_values = [ self.__func1.eval(e.value().value()) for e in es ]
            ind = func1_values.index(min(func1_values))
            e = es[ind].value()
        return self.__func1.eval(e)

So we create an instance of our ConstraintAtEvent class, using the smoothGroundTrackDeviation evaluable and its derivative, smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot, to set the set the constraint at the extreme of that function. We perform the grid search for extrema with a step of 1 hour.

In [21]:
gtdev = ConstraintAtEvent(uni,uni.evaluables.get("smoothGroundTrackDeviation") , uni.evaluables.get("smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot"), grid)

We now need to iterate.

  • recompute the ascending nodes and the the smooth lagrange evaluables
  • perform the parameter update
  • check the result by re-propagating the orbit
In [22]:
# recompute the cross points and create a new smoothed function 
ascNode = nodecrossingpoints(span)
points = ascNode[15::30]
smoothFunc = lagrange.LagrangePolynomialScalarEvaluable( points, uni.evaluables.get("groundTrackDeviation").eval ) 
if uni.evaluables.contains( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation" ):
    uni.evaluables.remove( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation" )
uni.evaluables.add( "smoothGroundTrackDeviation", smoothFunc )
derivSmoothFunc = smoothFunc.deriv()
if uni.evaluables.contains( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot" ):
    uni.evaluables.remove( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot" )
uni.evaluables.add( "smoothGroundTrackDeviationDot", derivSmoothFunc )

# perform the parameter update
control_deltav(-0.030, gtdev, tempo.XEpoch())

# compute the trajectory

We can visualise the ground track deviation again:

In [23]:
plot_vs_time("groundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
plot_vs_time("smoothGroundTrackDeviation",'GT Dev [km]' )
xp = [ e.mjd() for e in points ]
yp = [ smoothFunc.eval( e ) for e in points ]
xn = [ e.mjd() for e in ascNode ]
# get errors from drag
Yn = [ uni.evaluables.get("groundTrackDeviation").eval( tempo.XEpoch( e ) ) for e in ascNode ]
yn = [ y.value() for y in Yn ]
ynErr = [ common.resolve(y).at("drag_cd")[0]* 0.1 for y in Yn ]
plt.errorbar(xn, yn, yerr=ynErr, elinewidth=3)

And then we are done. The parameter value used to generate the manoeuvre commands is:

In [24]:
print( "Delta-v is {0:6.4f} mm/s " .format(1e6*uni.parameters.get("mano1_end_dv").getPhysicalValue()) )
Delta-v is 3.5628 mm/s 

This approach is not limited to ground track control.

Any function can be used in place of GroundTrackDeviation, smoothed if necessary with a suitable choice of sample points. The ConstraintAtEvent class provides functionality to be implemented in GODOT.